Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 2013


As many of you in the West have just celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus, we will be celebrating Christmas in Ukraine on January 7th. As an American in Ukraine it is not unusual for us to celebrate both. But, as 2013 is coming to a close, I want to share with you some highlights of the last few months of our ministry here in Ternopil. I am so blessed to be serving here as our church continues to be an example of God's love and grace. I hope you will be blessed.

CCBCE TEAM In late October, we hosted a team from the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Vajta, Hungary. Our vision was for them to reach out to the International students. They were able to visit the dorms at the medical university and share the gospel with students from Africa and the Middle East. Praise God, they were welcomed and able to share. We also hosted a game night for the students to come to the church office and spend time with the team. We used this opportunity to establish relationships with the students and provide a night of fun and relaxation for them, as the medical students sometimes just need a break. I was so blessed to see how much the students enjoyed their time with us. Please pray that those who know the Lord will stay strong in their faith. Please pray for those that don't know the Lord and that the conversations the team had with them will be remembered and draw them to Him. Please pray for more opportunities to minister to the students and to study God's Word with them.  

 Sawsen, Tabitha, Me, Austin, Kelsey and Loren

DEMONSTRATIONS As many of you are aware, Ukraine has been having political demonstrations against the president and recent decisions regarding Ukraine's trade agreements with the European Union and Russia. There have been acts of violence that only intensified the protests, but in Ternopil, the demonstrations have been very peaceful. Please pray for Ukraine. Jesus Christ is on the only one who can bring true peace on earth and good will toward men. Let's pray that Ukraine will experience revival in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Demonstrators stood in the cold for several 
weeks in the main square of Ternopil. 
Now Sundays are a designated day for protests. 

The crew is working hard to get the new building ready for us to begin using within the next two months. We moved out of our church offices on Sunday and will meet in four different Home Fellowships until the new building is ready. As soon as the roof, heating and bathroom are completed, we will be able to move in for Sunday services. It is exciting to think that we will soon be meeting in our own church building! Please pray for the finances to complete the project and that we will be able to move in by February. The whole church wants to come together again as soon as possible. I'm very privileged that my apartment will be one of the home fellowships. We will be watching George's preaching on live stream so that we will all receive the same Sunday teaching. Technology really adds a new flavor to church meetings! 

This will be the main hall for the church

View from the street. The roof is almost completed!

Kicha  The ministry for the pensioners and invalids has been going well over all, but there are some issues with a few of the ladies not getting along. Please pray for God's leading for myself, Tanya and Aleksiy as we serve this special group of people. There have been some heated arguments and many accusations flying around. The issue is mainly over who deserves to receive bread. It is really sad, because we don't make any requirements other than being on our list to receive help. But as is so often the case, some people want to prove their worth and justify themselves as being more deserving. It's such a great example of the grace that God has poured out on us. We don't deserve His gift of salvation, yet He gives to all who come and are willing to receive. I continue to share this example with the people and I pray the message will take root in their hearts. I want so much for peace and joy to prevail over these meetings. I have asked those involved with the conflict to commit to praying for this situation and am seeking to teach them to deal with these issues in a Biblical way. They are from many different churches and have experienced different kinds of leadership and teaching. We are pointing them to the Bible. Please pray for us to have wisdom, grace and patience in order to glorify God. Please also pray for provision to continue to provide bread, grains and pasta for them to take home. Praise God! We were able to give them extra this last week, as we will not be able to meet again until the church building is ready. 

Kicha Fellowship, as the food donations were being handed out.
 The picture isn't clear because the room was cold and my lens fogged up. 
There are 103 people on our list. 40 to 50 people come to the Bible study every week.                                                

Children's Christmas Outreach

On Saturday our church hosted a Christmas outreach for the children of people who are on the Kicha List. These are parents of young children who are struggling with providing for their families while living on a pension fund. What a blessing that the church wanted to reach out to them. Individuals from the church provided gift bags for each of the invited children. The children from our church performed the Christmas story and the church choir sang. I spoke to several of the mothers afterward and they were so thankful and blessed. Please pray for these families, that they will put their faith, hope and trust in the Lord for salvation and provision for their families.

Mary and Joseph
CC Ternopil Choir with some very cute angels

I pray you have a wonderful, joyful New Year in the Name of our Lord Jesus! I want to thank all of you who have so faithfully lifted me and the ministry in Ternopil up in prayer, and for your financial help that has enabled me to live and serve here. Thank you for being a part of Calvary Chapel Ternopil, Ukraine. God bless you and keep you, and may His face shine upon you and give you peace.

In Jesus love,

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