Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Praise the Lord! I will be flying to California for the Missions Conference. Thank you for your prayers and financial support to get me there. I am really looking forward to the conference for great teaching and spiritual refreshment. I hope I will see many of you while I am there.

I will be in CA from Dec. 27 to Jan. 26. If you would like, I would love to come and share at your church or Bible study. You can contact me by email.

God bless you as you celebrate the birth of our Lord! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Living Water and Gypsy Ministries

We still have electricity and heat in Mykachevo! Unfortunately, some other cities are experiencing power cuts. We're praying it doesn't happen here in Mykachevo. My gas heater is powered by electricity, so it will be an even colder winter if the electricity gets rationed. But so far, the weather is much warmer here along the Hungarian border than it has been in the other Ukrainian cities I've lived in. It's hard to believe I was once a California beach girl!

West Ukrainian Conference

 In October, I attended the first Calvary Chapel West Ukrainian Conference. The Calvary Chapels from Lviv, Ternopil, Vinitsya and Mykachevo came together for some fabulous teaching through the book of Colossians. I left so encouraged and refreshed.

Gypsy children in Domboki

Domboki Gypsy Village

 Our monthly visits to the Gypsy Camp in Domboki, a village about 30 minutes from Mykachevo, has been a big blessing. The Baron of the village is also a Pastor, and I really see God's influence over this Gyspy Village. Last month we were able to distribute 41 winter coats for the children. Unfortunately, we found out there are 47 more children that still need coats. They just hadn't attended the Children's Ministry programs that we have been giving, so we hadn't met them before. So now we are asking for donations for the remaining coats that are needed. We are purchasing them at 2nd hand stores at an average of $5 per coat. We have found found warm coats in good condition. We hope to give them out in the next few weeks.
Children's Program at Domboki Gypsy Camp with Daniela and Natasha 

New Coat!
Coats purchased from 2nd Hand for the Children

Ready for winter with a new snow suit!

Tomorrow a medical team from Ternopil, led by Victor, a doctor from the Calvary Chapel in Ternopil will be arriving. We will be doing a medical outreach on Friday and Saturday at the Gypsy Village in Domboki led by four doctors and lots of helpers. Please pray for blessings in the name of Jesus to cover this outreach. Please pray for healing for the people and wisdom for the doctors as to how to best minister to the people. Praise the Lord for his provision for medications for the outreach.

 Natasha, a Ukrainian girl we serve with from Kiev, is ministering to gypsies full time in our region. She has also let me join her on weekly visits to another Gypsy Village named Pavshyno. We sing children's songs in Hungarian, Ukrainian and English. Natasha tells them a Bible story and we do crafts and play games. The last couple of weeks we found out the children start showing up at 10am for the Bible study that starts at 4pm. God bless them. We meet outside around a picnic table in freezing temperatures with about 30 kids crammed around it. There's a roof, but most of it is missing and Natasha and I stand in what I would describe as potty field for the many dogs. It is such a blessing though. I can't even describe the joy I get when I'm there with those kids. Hopefully, we'll be able to help them get some winter coats too. As the Lord provides!

 When I first came to Mykachevo, the desire of my heart was to minister to young women in this West Ukrainian region, not just in our church, but in other churches as well. My first opportunity just came today when I received a phone call. Natasha and I will be doing a women's conference on Dec. 13th. The pastor requested this. What an answer to prayer. Please pray for me as I will be teaching the Bible study, that the Lord will speak through me. What's really amazing in the way God works, is that this morning during my devotions, the Lord put a Bible study on my heart from Proverbs 4: 23- 27, "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life." I had already prepared the outlines, knowing that it was for me, but also desiring to share this Word from the Lord.  God is so faithful!

 I"m continuing to help with worship every week in the church, playing flute. It is so wonderful to be playing regularly again. I missed playing so much. I also hope to incorporate more with the keyboard. Please pray that I will be able to use the church keyboard on a regular basis to practice.
Worship at Youth Group
We had an incredible Thanksgiving feast last week. The Calvary Chapel in Beregova, Ukraine, a Hungarian speaking city about 30 minutes from here, joined us for a baptism and feast. Along with our church and youth group we had a baptism for 9 people ( 8 from Beregova), and over 50 people for Thanksgiving dinner at Pastor Joel's house!

Zhenya's Baptism on Thanksgiving

 On a personal note, there are two things I would like to share. First, I would like to ask for prayer for the spiritual warfare that has been so intense. As you can read, there are incredible blessings in the ministry here. But as so often happens amidst the blessings, there have been some incredibly difficult and challenging situations for me and it is very wearing on me spiritually, physically and emotionally. God speaking to me through His Word is getting me through each day, but I also fail each day, so keeping my heart in all diligence is a loving reminder from the Lord. Please pray for unity on our team and for wisdom as the Lord plows through my heart, knowing that dying to self brings healing and peace. I want to come forth as gold, but I'm not there yet!

 The other thing is that I haven't been to the states in four years, since my mom passed away. I haven't been able to afford a trip home. By faith, I signed up for the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in Murrietta in January. I still haven't purchased a ticket because I'm waiting for confirmation. Please pray for wisdom from the Lord as to whether I should go ahead and purchase plane tickets or wait for another time that the Lord chooses. I know that when God guides, God provides!

 God bless you all who are reading this blog and those of you who are helping me through prayer and finances. As we don't receive the names of our financial supporters through CC Costa Mesa, I want to thank you here. You know who you are, and most of all the Lord knows! Hallelujah!

Monday, September 29, 2014

End of Summer in Mykachevo

Friday Night Cafe with Flavored Syrups for Coffee and Homemade Desserts

In the last week, the weather has begun to turn cold. Amidst new laws of rationing electricity this winter, we are preparing for the possibility of having our electricity turned off two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. That in itself isn’t such a big deal to me, but it does present many challenges to our ministry and our dependence on  modern technology. The electric keyboard and sound system will be off during church services. Our Friday night cafe will be without electricity. But this is an opportunity to use our God given imaginations and be creative. It’s also a way for us to just go back to the basics, if necessary. In the mean time, Pastor Joel figured out how to make homemade kerosene lamps using canning jars. He gave each of our team members two, plus a store bought oil lamp, so we are ready. My biggest concern about all this is that my heating is run on an electrically powered gas heating system and the temperatures will drop well below zero this winter. Please pray that I will be able to endure the cold spells. I have a down sleeping bag and lots of blankets, so I should be fine if I lose heating in my apartment. And I have oil lamps! I don’t want to sound like a lightweight because I have endured freezing winters with very little heat in the past. It was hard, but it also showed me Gods faithfulness in difficult situations. I’m trusting that the Lord brought me to this place and will be with me every step of the way. 

I have now been in Mykachevo for three months. We had an outreach team come this summer and we went out on the streets asking people, “If you were to die today, where would you go?” Then we would ask, “ How do you know this for sure?” As you can imagine there were some very good conversations and there were people who prayed to receive the Lord. We also got to know a group of youth who play volleyball near the river and starting with them we began a Friday night cafe, called “Friday Night” (English pronunciation). The teenagers have been coming faithfully every week to play games and watch videos. I am in charge of the coffee, so I have the blessing of being in the room where people sit and talk. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the youth better and share the love of Christ through our witness. My prayer is that as the weather gets colder, more youth will see this as a safe, loving place to come on Friday nights. Please pray that the word will spread and many more youth will come, not only to the cafe, but to Jesus. We are hoping to have different Christian musicians come once a month to play at the cafe. We also hope to offer different venues each week, like karaoke and movies. 

Friday Night Cafe with Live Music and "UNO"

The Sunday night youth group is going really well. They are a group from a local church that Pastor Joel was asked to teach for the year while their youth pastor will be in the states. Each week, we take turns teaching them how to cook something tasty to serve after the Bible study. Currently, the youth have decided they want to teach us some of their favorite dishes so now we are learning how to prepare Ukrainian cakes and treats. It’s working out really well. We are going through the Book of Mark for the Bible study and each week one of our team members leads the study. I love this as we each get to share from the Word. Please pray that the youth will apply God’s truth to their lives and that we will be a good example for them.
Sunday Night Youth Group and Bible Study

At the moment I am in Ternopil for a few days. I came for a wedding and then I will stay until Wednesday to teach at the first meeting of Kicha for this year. For those of you who may not remember, this is a ministry at Calvary Chapel Ternopil for the pensioners who receive about $100 a month to live on. With the fall of the Ukrainian currency, the Hrivna, and the rise in prices, this year will be even more difficult for them. They come weekly for Bible study and we have also been able to give out bread, grains or pasta for them to take home each week. I wanted to be at the first meeting this year since my move to Mykachevo, to encourage them that the meetings will continue as before. Kicha takes a break for summer since most families have vegetable gardens and it is easier for them to get around in the summer. But winters are very difficult for the elderly as the sidewalks are covered with ice and they are more dependent on the food we give out to them. There are 87 people on the list to come on Wednesday. I will be teaching on “Jehovah- raah, The Lord Our Shepherd.” As the psalm says “ The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want.” He is everything we need for what is truly important and valuable. Please pray that the pensioners’ hearts will be at peace with the Lord and the hope of heaven will get them through these difficult years. 

Thank you for your love, prayers and support. May God bless you and shower you with His grace!

Prayer requests:

Please continue to lift Ukraine up in your prayers. Please pray for peace and unity in this wonderful country and for truth to be revealed. Pray that the citizens of Ukraine will look to the Lord as their King and that true hope lies in having our citizenship in heaven.

Please pray for unity on our team and protection from the lies of Satan who wants to divide and destroy us. Please pray for our flesh to be yielded to the work of God’s Holy Spirit. We have had many personal challenges and attacks, but I am trusting that we will come forth as gold and glorify God.

Please pray for the Gypsy Camp Children’s Outreach Oct. 4th, that Jesus will be their Lord and Savior. Please pray for our monthly outreaches to the camp, wisdom in distributing clothing and other helps, and for a possible medical outreach to the camp.

Please pray for me as I have been playing keyboard in church for worship. Please pray for God’s anointing and for healing for my vocal chords. I have had problems for many years. 

Please pray for “Friday Night” Cafe that more youth will come and they will give their hearts to the Lord.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting Started in Mykachevo

Hello from Mykachevo, Ukriane! 

Here is a short team video with a personal update from me. 

If you are not able to watch the video, here is a summary of my prayer requests.

For truth and peace in Ukraine. Please pray for an end to the war in the east of the country and for absolute truth to prevail. That people will put their faith and trust in God and not government. 

I inured my knee yesterday. It’s not serious, but please pray that it will not cause any problems as the church in Ternopil blessed me with a bicycle as a going away gift and I have been riding almost every day, getting to know the city and the people. I will be very sad if my knee develops any serious problems and I won’t be able to ride.

Gypsy Camp Outreach at the end of August. Please pray for planning and provision for children’s ministry worker’s, food to prepare a lunch each of the four days, and ministry to the adults. Please also pray for wisdom for future ministry in the camp for children, adults and medical ministry. The children also need coats and shoes for winter if you would like to help, please contact me. 

Mykachevo Living Water Outreach Aug 5- 10. Please pray for the Americans coming to do street evangelism and for preparation for a coffee house, concert featuring Josh Pratt from Lviv, Ukraine, and for two Question and Answer Nights , “Interrogate the Americans” and "Interrogate the Pastor”  Please pray that all we do will lead people to Jesus Christ.

Worship Team. Our worship leader is leaving for an unknown amount of time, and those of us here on the team will be stepping in the lead worship. Please pray for me as I am learning keyboard and guitar to help out. I do play these instruments, but have never lead worship, so it is a big challenge as I only have a few weeks to prepare. Please also pray for others on our team as we will all be helping out in this new venture in faith. 

Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support. I would not be able to be here without you. God bless you all!


Friday, June 6, 2014

I'm Moving to Mukachevo! June 2014 Update

Wearing our Ukrainian shirts: Luda, Tanya (my roommate), Me and Tanya
I'm moving!
After 7 wonderful years in Ternopil Ukraine, it is time to move on. At the end of June I will be joining a Calvary Chapel church planting team in Mukachevo, Ukraine. The city is located in the Southwestern part of the country near the Carpathian Mountains. It is close to the borders of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. Pastor Joel Brown and his wife Katya  moved there a year ago to plant a Calvary Chapel. When I visited them last November, I started praying that the Lord would bring them a team, not knowing that I would be one of them. The city has a lot of character as it is influenced by the different countries close by, a significant Roma community and a rich and tragic Jewish history. The church recently acquired an office in the center on the walking street for the church Bible studies and meetings, which is a great location. In addition to Sunday services, the church is involved in orphanage and gypsy outreach as well as English ministries. I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing there, but the Lord usually makes an ash heap of my plans and leads me into His. There are many ministry opportunities and, of course, the importance of meeting people and sharing the gospel and inviting them to church. "A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps" Prov. 16:9
When I went to scout out the city, I was able to secure an apartment in the center, just a 5 minute walk from the church office which will be available at the end of the month. The landlord has a room downstairs from my apartment that he has offered to us rent free if we do the repairs. So, of course, we hope to take care of that as soon as possible. It would be a great room for guests and teams that come to do outreach.

Palonok Castle in Mukachevo
Overlooking Mukachevo

In the city

Saying Good bye to Ternopil
This is the hard part. The Sisters Bible study will come to an end June 16th when my girls graduate from Medical University. I am so blessed to have studied the Bible with them for the past six years, and I feel like my children are going away. Please pray as they begin their new lives as doctors and for their return to Nigeria and Uganda. The girls have decided they will come to Mukachevo to stay with me the week before they return to their home countries. I'm so blessed! I hope it works out that they will be able to come.

The church ministries have all been handed over except for Kicha, the Bible study and food distribution to the elderly and invalids. There are people helping to minister, but no one wants to lead it. I'm trusting the Lord will take care of that, as He has so clearly taken care of everything else. Please pray for the finances to continue supporting bread and grains for this ministry and for a compassionate servant to step forward to lead the organization of the meetings.

On Wednesday we met with English Club and I announced that I am leaving. Again, this was very difficult, but I know Megan and Joanne from YWAM (Youth with a Mission) will continue the meetings. We have become a very close group of friends over the years, and some have received the Lord and some have attended my class on the Gospel of John where we had some great discussions. Please pray for those who are trusting in their religion and traditions, that they would desire an active and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Last week I said good bye to the high school where I have been giving English classes for the last six years. The principal awarded me with a certificate of thanks for my service there. All of the classes I have taught over the years have been as a volunteer. I always considered this a gift to Ukraine and a way to meet people outside the church. I have been so blessed by Gymnasium No. 1, and for my friend Oksana, the English teacher I worked with.

The Vice-principal, Me, Oksana and the Principal of Gymnasia

Please continue to pray for Ukraine.
Tomorrow the new president will be sworn in. The East of the country is basically at war in the Donetsk and Lugansk. Please pray for peace and that Ukraine will stay united. It is heartbreaking to witness what is happening. Please pray the Ukrainian nation will continue to look to God for wisdom and that the new leadership will lead the nation to a new beginning that is Christ-centered and righteous. Yes, we're praying for a miracle!

Please pray for my move. First of all, Ternopil has been a home to me, more than any other place in my 21 year ministry journey. My heart is going to break leaving here, but I know I am in God's will, so He will walk me through this. Please also pray, as my blood pressure is a bit out of sorts ( I think the Ukrainian political situation and preparing to move is playing a big part in this, so please pray that I would walk in the Lord's peace that surpasses all understanding. Also, the logistics of clearing out and cleaning one apartment and moving to another city and setting up that apartment is a bit challenging. Please pray for the finances to make the move and for the remodeling of the room in the new apartment building. The brick wall needs to be covered and painted. I would also appreciate prayer for my 15 year old cat, Sasha, as moving will be a little hard on her too. It's a 6 hour drive to Mukachevo from Ternopil. The road between Ternopil and Lviv (2 hours) is one the worst roads I've ever seen. I was once quoted as saying, "The road looks like a Clingon's forehead," and it does! God bless Ukraine!

My desire is for the team in Mukachevo to be united and centered on Jesus as the leader of the church. As I said, there are many ministry opportunities, but I want to do what the Lord has chosen for me. May my heart be eager and ready to receive direction form the Lord so that I will be a blessing to the team and to Mukachevo. Praise the Lord for what He has already done and for what He is going to do!

I will miss them so much: Calvary Chapel Ternopil 

Prayer Requests
For peace in Ukraine. For the new president and leadership to seek God for wisdom. For truth and righteousness to prevail in this country.

For the church ministries in Ternopil that have been handed over. For leaders to serve with a servant's heart and for more people to step into ministry and leadership.

For the Kicha ministry, that the Lord would raise up a Spirit- filled compassionate leader to minister to the elderly and invalids. Please also pray for God's provision to provide food and grains for them to take home.

For the many ministry opportunities in Mukachevo, that I would be sensitive for the Lord's leading. For unity on the new team and fresh vision to serve together and be fruitful. That my heart would be eager and ready to receive wisdom from the Lord so that I will be a blessing to the team and to the city of Mukachevo.

For the Sisters Bible study group. The girls are graduating and hey are now doctors! They will be retuning to their native countries of Nigeria and Uganda. Please pray they will increase in their love for the Lord and that they will use their medical skills to glorify God wherever He may lead them.

For the finances to move and set up the new apartment, and for the repair to the room the landlord has offered rent free. We can use it for guests and outreach teams.

For healing of my blood pressure and thyroid issues.

For my 15 year old cat, Sasha, to survive the move.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Update

Kiev is a memorial to those who lost their lives in the protests

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have been praying for Ukraine. It's been an emotional time, as well as a time of uncertainty. Every morning, when I first awake, I check the news to find out if Ukraine has been invaded by Russia. I never would have thought I would be in a situation like this. How can I pray and what needs to be done is based on the daily situation. Ternopil is in Western Ukraine, so those of you who have been concerned about our safety, please know that we are far from areas currently under threat, and feel quite safe at this time. The protests have been peaceful and the city gathers together for prayer, as is happening all over the country. I have purposely chosen not to focus on politics and to pray for truth to be revealed. My mission is to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and the hope we have in Him. The current situation has caused people to pray and gives us many opportunities to share the love of God. 

In February I had the privilege of traveling to Kiev to help out at the prayer tent that Calvary Chapel Kiev, together with other churches in the city, have put up to minister to the protesters and anyone who comes to Maidon (the square in Kiev where the protests and killings took place). When I saw the city center of Kiev torn apart and covered with flowers and pictures of those who died in the protests, it broke my heart. It was definitely a privilege to serve tea and coffee to those who are living in tents and to share God's love with them. Many are hurting and affected by what they witnessed during the violence. I'm so thankful to our brothers and sisters in Kiev who are counseling and praying with them continuously. The second day I was there, I handed out Bibles in Ukrainian and Russian, whichever language the people preferred. So many were very thankful for the gift of God's Word.

Along this walkway is where many of the protesters were shot and killed.

Many have committed to staying on Maidon in Kiev until the presidential election on May 25th

March 8th is International Women's Day in Ukraine, as in many parts of the world. This year I was invited to teach at the celebration with Calvary Chapel Vinnytsya.  The theme was "Cast your Burdens Upon the Lord" It was very appropriate during this time of uncertainty, and I really sensed the Lord's encouragement that only He can truly bring peace into our hearts, no matter what we are going through.  We had a wonderful time of Bible study followed by fellowship with food prepared by the men in the church. Now that was a blessing! I also had the extra blessing of being able to play flute with the worship team Sunday morning there. It was a reunion for all of us, since I had served on the ministry team with Daniel Carter in Poltava, Ukraine and Tim and Christina Emerson in Ternopil, Ukraine. I also want to thank Janette Carter for taking such good care of me at their home. It was a much needed time of encouragement. As usual, as I went there to serve, I was the one feeling the most blessed. 

Sharing at the Women's Day Celebration at CC Vinnytsya

The men in the church made traditional Ukrainian salads and sandwiches for the ladies
The construction on the new church building is on break until the weather warms up a bit more, but we now have two children's ministry rooms, a kitchen, bathroom and a large hall that we are able to use. It is so amazing to see how the Lord has provided and all the work that has been done in such a short time.  Please pray for finances to complete the work and for the construction and remodeling to be completed before next winter. 

The main hall in the new church building
After being in Kiev, Pastor George had the vision to set up an Interdenominational prayer tent in our city square in Ternopil. Volunteers are there daily between 4 and 7:30pm. to talk and pray with people and also to hand out Bibles and other Christian resources. At 7pm we gather for group prayer at the tent. It has been a great opportunity to share with people in the city as well as some of the protesters who have their own tent in the center. 

Roma and Pastor George next to the sign for the Prayer Tent
The prayer tent, right after we set it up. Yes, there were people there :)

As with every mission, the goal is to hand over the ministries to the nationals in the church and move on, if necessary. I have found myself once again in a place of watching my purpose of being in Ternopil changing. I am still busy with the "Kicha" study which ministers and provides bread and grains to pensioners.  The Friday night Sisters Bible study continues, but it is in it's last year, as the girls will be graduating from Medical University in June. One of the projects I am still working on is the church library which I hope to be finishing up soon. Pastor George has asked me to step aside from the hospitality ministry and the organizing that I have been doing in the church in the hopes that people will see the need and step up to serve. Please pray for leaders to be raised up and servants to come forward with a joyful and ministering heart. Please pray for me that I would hear the Lord clearly as to my next step in ministry. I could stay in Ternopil, as there is still much to do in teaching Bible studies,mercy ministries, and English ministries, or the Lord may move me to another city.  My heart is open to wherever the Lord would lead. I believe it is good to lay this out before Him and to trust that He will have me in His perfect place in His perfect timing. 

Khristina and I working on the church library.

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support. Both are much needed and deeply appreciated. I am so blessed that you read my updates and pray for my personal prayer requests, along with the needs for Ukraine. We will rejoice together in the Lord's presence for all of the mighty works He has done.

God bless you!!!!!!!

Prayer Requests:

In regards to the current political situation in Ukraine, please pray for truth to be revealed and for the people of Ukraine, that they would put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ.   

For the prayer tent in Ternopil, that we would have opportunities to share and truly minister to the people of Ternopil during this time of uncertainty. 

For the new church building. Praise God for all He has done and provided for. Please continue to pray for the finances to continue the building and remodeling and for the church to be completed before next winter.

For the Sisters Bible study, that it will bear much fruit in the lives of the girls. In June, they will graduate from Medical University and return to their home countries. Please pray they will use their medical skills to glorify God.

As we are seeking to hand over ministries to the nationals in the church, please pray for me that I would hear the Lord clearly as to my next step in ministry. I could stay in Ternopil, as there is still much to do in teaching Bible studies, mercy ministries, and English ministries, or the Lord may move me to another city.  My heart is open to wherever the Lord would lead. I believe it is good to lay this out before Him and to trust that He will have me in His perfect place in His perfect timing. 

Please pray for good health and financial provision to meet all of my needs. The Lord is so faithful and I trust that whatever He calls me to He will provide in His extraordinary ways.