Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 2013 in Ternopil


On June 14th I graduated with a certificate from TESOL 
(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

After several years of participating in English ministries and leading English classes in local schools, I am now official :) The YWAM base in Ternopil sponsored a 3 week intensive TESOL course led by Doug Sadler who teaches TESOL all over the world to equip missionaries. We had the most amazing class, including four students from the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Vajta, Hungary and missionary Vanessa McElroy, a Calvary Chapel missionary from Lviv, Ukraine. Doug has provided us with the foundations of TESOL and invaluable resources. The best part of the course was that it was centered on Jesus. I am looking forward to the next school year, as I know I can help the students even more in their English skills and know that I am encouraging them in the Name of Jesus. Please pray for future English classes that I will use my new skills and knowledge for the glory of God, also knowing that English can not only change people's lives, but also allow me the opportunity to minister in the love of Jesus. 

 The Food Center


The Food Center is taking a break until September. The meetings had been at the new property which is now under construction. The garage where the food center meetings were conducted has been torn down as it was unsafe after the heavy snows last winter. Paul and Gayla Hurley, who had led this ministry for 14 years, always took a break in the summer. In the warmer months, the pensioners are able to get around much easier and have food from their gardens. I was so blessed by so many who came to the Bible Study, as it's not required for them to receive bread and any other food we are able to give. This summer we will be preparing for next year, finding the best places to purchase food, grow food and package it for distribution. Aleksiy will be in charge of the food distribution and I will be leading the Bible studies. Please pray for us to be faithful servants to the elderly. Please also pray for finances to support this ministry in order to really help the pensioners, both spiritually and physically.

Summer Months

Foundations Conference in Vajta, Hungary: Next week I will be going to Vajta for the annual Foundations Conference. I love this week, as this is where I see so many of the missionaries and brothers and sisters I've served with in Eastern Europe over the past twenty years. This is always such an encouraging time for me to witness first hand the incredible work God has done and is doing in this area of the world. Please pray for safe travels, provision and a fruitful conference. 

Visa: While I am in Hungary I will be applying for a new visa. This is a big one, as it will give me registration in Ukraine for an entire year. Up to this point, even though I have had a five year, multiple entry visa to Ukraine, I am still required to leave the country every 3 months or I face a fine. This can be inconvenient and pricey, but this is how we have existed. Please pray that the Lord will give me grace, mercy and wisdom in dealing with all of the papers, consulate, local officials and lawyers. Also please pray for provision to pay for all of this. I know that the Lord has called me to Ukraine, so I trust that He will provide a way. 

Worship Conference: July 29- Aug. 2 will be our annual Worship Conference in Ternopil led by Jonathan Markey. We are blessed to have Mike Payne and some of the worship team members from CC Budapest come to teach and conduct seminars. In the past, I have been very involved in the organization of this conference. This year, we are passing a lot of the responsibilities to Ukrainian leaders in the church. Please pray for the details of the conference and that leaders will rise up and take steps of faith to make this an encouraging and fruitful time. 

Church Picnic: On July 7th we will be having a church picnic. This is bittersweet, as the African students who are graduating and leaving Ukraine will be cooking for the picnic. They wanted to offer this as a gift to us as they are heading out to a new chapter in their lives. Pamela, Ralph, Naa, Richard, Lillian, Robert and Victor are all graduating. All but Victor will be leaving the country. After six years of having them as part of our church fellowship, they will be deeply missed. Please pray that they will glorify God as they serve Him as doctors. My prayer is also that the love and teaching that they have received from CC Ternopil will bear everlasting fruit for the Kingdom God!

Summer Outreach: A children's Superbook Club began last Sunday and many kids showed up. Emily and Byron led a baseball Camp last week and are hoping to start a youth ministry with the kids who attended. We are praying for more opportunities to do evangelism and reach out to youth in Ternopil this summer. Please pray for all of these outreaches and for a fresh vision to reach out to the city.

Ternopil Walking Street

Thank you for all of your love, prayers and financial support. You are so special to me.
God bless you all!!!!!