Monday, September 29, 2014

End of Summer in Mykachevo

Friday Night Cafe with Flavored Syrups for Coffee and Homemade Desserts

In the last week, the weather has begun to turn cold. Amidst new laws of rationing electricity this winter, we are preparing for the possibility of having our electricity turned off two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. That in itself isn’t such a big deal to me, but it does present many challenges to our ministry and our dependence on  modern technology. The electric keyboard and sound system will be off during church services. Our Friday night cafe will be without electricity. But this is an opportunity to use our God given imaginations and be creative. It’s also a way for us to just go back to the basics, if necessary. In the mean time, Pastor Joel figured out how to make homemade kerosene lamps using canning jars. He gave each of our team members two, plus a store bought oil lamp, so we are ready. My biggest concern about all this is that my heating is run on an electrically powered gas heating system and the temperatures will drop well below zero this winter. Please pray that I will be able to endure the cold spells. I have a down sleeping bag and lots of blankets, so I should be fine if I lose heating in my apartment. And I have oil lamps! I don’t want to sound like a lightweight because I have endured freezing winters with very little heat in the past. It was hard, but it also showed me Gods faithfulness in difficult situations. I’m trusting that the Lord brought me to this place and will be with me every step of the way. 

I have now been in Mykachevo for three months. We had an outreach team come this summer and we went out on the streets asking people, “If you were to die today, where would you go?” Then we would ask, “ How do you know this for sure?” As you can imagine there were some very good conversations and there were people who prayed to receive the Lord. We also got to know a group of youth who play volleyball near the river and starting with them we began a Friday night cafe, called “Friday Night” (English pronunciation). The teenagers have been coming faithfully every week to play games and watch videos. I am in charge of the coffee, so I have the blessing of being in the room where people sit and talk. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the youth better and share the love of Christ through our witness. My prayer is that as the weather gets colder, more youth will see this as a safe, loving place to come on Friday nights. Please pray that the word will spread and many more youth will come, not only to the cafe, but to Jesus. We are hoping to have different Christian musicians come once a month to play at the cafe. We also hope to offer different venues each week, like karaoke and movies. 

Friday Night Cafe with Live Music and "UNO"

The Sunday night youth group is going really well. They are a group from a local church that Pastor Joel was asked to teach for the year while their youth pastor will be in the states. Each week, we take turns teaching them how to cook something tasty to serve after the Bible study. Currently, the youth have decided they want to teach us some of their favorite dishes so now we are learning how to prepare Ukrainian cakes and treats. It’s working out really well. We are going through the Book of Mark for the Bible study and each week one of our team members leads the study. I love this as we each get to share from the Word. Please pray that the youth will apply God’s truth to their lives and that we will be a good example for them.
Sunday Night Youth Group and Bible Study

At the moment I am in Ternopil for a few days. I came for a wedding and then I will stay until Wednesday to teach at the first meeting of Kicha for this year. For those of you who may not remember, this is a ministry at Calvary Chapel Ternopil for the pensioners who receive about $100 a month to live on. With the fall of the Ukrainian currency, the Hrivna, and the rise in prices, this year will be even more difficult for them. They come weekly for Bible study and we have also been able to give out bread, grains or pasta for them to take home each week. I wanted to be at the first meeting this year since my move to Mykachevo, to encourage them that the meetings will continue as before. Kicha takes a break for summer since most families have vegetable gardens and it is easier for them to get around in the summer. But winters are very difficult for the elderly as the sidewalks are covered with ice and they are more dependent on the food we give out to them. There are 87 people on the list to come on Wednesday. I will be teaching on “Jehovah- raah, The Lord Our Shepherd.” As the psalm says “ The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want.” He is everything we need for what is truly important and valuable. Please pray that the pensioners’ hearts will be at peace with the Lord and the hope of heaven will get them through these difficult years. 

Thank you for your love, prayers and support. May God bless you and shower you with His grace!

Prayer requests:

Please continue to lift Ukraine up in your prayers. Please pray for peace and unity in this wonderful country and for truth to be revealed. Pray that the citizens of Ukraine will look to the Lord as their King and that true hope lies in having our citizenship in heaven.

Please pray for unity on our team and protection from the lies of Satan who wants to divide and destroy us. Please pray for our flesh to be yielded to the work of God’s Holy Spirit. We have had many personal challenges and attacks, but I am trusting that we will come forth as gold and glorify God.

Please pray for the Gypsy Camp Children’s Outreach Oct. 4th, that Jesus will be their Lord and Savior. Please pray for our monthly outreaches to the camp, wisdom in distributing clothing and other helps, and for a possible medical outreach to the camp.

Please pray for me as I have been playing keyboard in church for worship. Please pray for God’s anointing and for healing for my vocal chords. I have had problems for many years. 

Please pray for “Friday Night” Cafe that more youth will come and they will give their hearts to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marilyn!

    I look forward to your next update! Pust Hospod vas vsih blahosloviti! Kim
